Elevate Multisport Academy triathlon hyrox coaching


Unlock Your Potential: THRIVE as an Athlete, DEVELOP as a person, TAKE BACK Your Sport, and ENJOY training more!!

What you’ll learn:
World Class Basics: What are the Elite essentials.
Nail Every Day: Training Theory from rep to macro plan.
Diet Mastery: How to focus on the big wins.
Race To Your Best: How to taper/peak.
Pro Tips: How the best do it.
Move better: Drills and skills
Time Crunched Training: How to fit it all in?
Speed: What to do to get faster.
Going Long(er): How to step up distance.
Zones: How to target certain aspects of fitness.
Hyrox vs Tri: How one can help the other.
Happy Athletes: How to enjoy your sport more.
and MUCH, MUCH more…

Coaching Achievements:

British Cycling: Paralympic Talent Development Programme Lead
Glasgow UCI World Championships: Coach to TT Bronze Medalist Millie Cass
AG Medallists: Coach to over 30 AG Medal winning performances.
AG Representation: Coach to over 60 GB Age-Group performances.

Other Work:

220 Magazine: Feature Writer and Contributor
True Athlete Project: Sporting Mentor
Nutrition Consultant: Clif Bar, Precision Hydration, Lucozade
Consultant: Various UK Charities, Swimbeam, Flim/TV Projects.
Performance Lifestyle Advisor.
Coach Educator: Sport Scotland.

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